About a year or so ago, Abby who is my 7 year old black lab injured her left hind leg while she was wrestling with another dog. Dr. Oxford at CARE diagnosed the injury as a torn cruciate ligament. After a few months of PT at CARE along with exercises and a diet at home, Abby’s leg improved greatly. She wasn’t 100% but she was pretty close to that, which is what the vets said would be the goal. Everything was fine for a few months and then unfortunately Abby reinjured her knee while she was playing in the yard. This time however the injury was a miniscal tear. During the few weeks after this injury as a result of Abby favoring her left leg, she actually tore the miniscal ligament in her right leg. We met with a couple of surgeons who all recommended a TPLO surgery which is very invasive and a long recovery process. Dr. Oxford at CARE said she didn’t recommend that, but rather arthroscopic surgery which is far less invasive, along with surgery. Dr Buote at VCA West LA performed the surgery, which went very well. Abby is now involved in post op PT at CARE and is doing great! She may never be 100% again, but shes on her way to being as close to that as possible and we avoided a very invasive surgical procedure that has no guarantees with the recovery process. Everyone at CARE has been great and Abby loves coming here! I highly recommend CARE for my PT needs for your pet!
With A. Kaufman
August 2012
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